Imagine, what would happen, if your financial institution made all your bank statements publicly available? Let's say, on a certain website, for example anybody could see your balance, earnings and spendings! Not only your financial secrets would be revealed, but they would be posted forever, and nobody would have the ability to remove them form public display! Would you be happy with that?
Basically, pretty much the same thing is happening in the universe of the crypto currencies! With a few exceptions, cryptocurrencies offer just a very limited level of privacy, since all your transactions are publicly available.
We created Dodgecoin (DODGE), a new BEP-20 token. The objective of our ICO token sale is raising $5,000,000 worth of BNB. From the sales, 80% is set aside to create a future liquidity pool of DODGE - BNB, and Dodgecoin will be traded at several decentralized exchanges, once the initial coin sale is over.
Upon the commencement of the public trade of Dodgecoin, we will start building our own blockchain, that will be offering a complete privacy protection feature on all kinds of transactions. For more details click here.
Even our current BEP-20 token offers a certain level of privacy, through our Bridge service. To read more click here.