Terms of Use — Crypto Cash

Protecting the privacy of our customers is one of our top priorities. Therefore, DodgeCoin.net does NOT perform any types of KYC verification, and using our service does not require registration. We do not collect data on our customer's IP address, geolocation data or email address.

By initiating a transaction, customers accept the Terms of Use. By using the "Crypto Cash" function you can purchase a newly generated wallet preloaded with a cryptocurrency of your choice. After selecting the amount, the exact purchase price is shown before accepting the Terms of Use. All purchases are final, transactions cannot be cancelled or reverted.

To conduct a transaction, customers need to connect their Metamask wallet and approve the purchase. Upon the completion of each transaction a searchable reference hash number is displayed.

After the confirmation of the deposit, the private key and the wallet address is displayed on the screen. By using the supplied private key, purchasers need to import the new account into their Metamask wallet.

Transaction Confidentiality

If properly used, "Crypto Cash" wallets give you as much confidentiality as a cash purchase does. Since these wallets were never used, they have no transaction history. There is no direct link between the purchaser of the wallet and the spender of the funds in the wallet. This way "Crypto Cash" wallets can be used for the purpose of confidential money transfer.

After purchase, it is recommended to create a disposable wallet and transfer the funds from the Crypto Cash wallet.